
Female, 10½ years old

Image of Dog



This is Poppy a three and a half year old unspayed liver spotted bitch who is being rehomed as she does not get on with her mother (also unspayed) who lives in the same household.

Poppy has recently had half of her tail removed after an accident. Poppy is s typical lively dog for her age, lives with a young child but is boisterous so is inclined to knock her over. Poppy only has hearing in one ear. She is fine with other dogs except small dogs which she chases and then bowls over and pins them down, she does not actually attack them. She is fine with bigger dogs. Poppy will need a home that is prepared to give her some training and resocialisation with other dogs in particular small dogs. Poppy was really nice with our assessor wanted lots of fuss and attention and gave lots of kisses and wanted cuddles as well. We think she might be better as a single dog but she could possibly live with another dog but this must be a male.

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