
Male, 12 years old

Image of Dog

***Latest news Marley wins Best Rescue dog and then Best in Show at North of Engand Dalmatian Welfare’s Madge Cull Funday!!! See his picture with trophy below.***

Our story with Marley started really when we lost our other rescue Dalmatian on February 15th 2013, he was only 7 years old and it literally broke our hearts losing him after having him for only two and half years. We swore we would never have another pet as we couldn’t deal with the heartbreak. I couldn’t help looking on the Dalmatian welfare website and saw Marley on there before we went on holiday. I thought he looked a lovely boy but stuck to my guns. When we came back from holiday he was still on the website and with more details about his life, it stated he was locked in a crate most of the day and he had been mercilessly plagued by young children. This broke our hearts to hear of a Dalmatian locked up, unhappy without exercise so we decided to adopt him.

Marley A

Marley wins Best rescue dog then Best in show at North of England Dalmatian Clubs’ Madge Cull funday.

On the 4th July we finally picked Marley up in Northampton, Nina Byles who picked him up and handed him over was a lovely lady, I think she could see straight away he was coming to the right home.
Marley has been with us nearly six weeks now and every day has been a joy. He has brought so much happiness into our home again. Wherever we go he comes along (apart from work that is), he enjoys miles of walks everyday and meeting lots of puppy friends, we have just booked a family holiday with him in mind for September. Thank you British Dalmatian Welfare for letting us give Marley the life he deserves, we are all so happy.
Kindest regards
Lisa, Paul, Alex, Forrest & Marley

Marley 1 Marley 3

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