Lucera ( Spanish Spot)

Female, 15 years old

Image of Dog

Lucera is in the care of Save A Spanish Spot. Please contact them direct for further information or to adopt

Lucera is a 10 year old lady who lived in a hoarders house, in very bad conditions and was not fed very often. When she came to us she was skin and bone and in a very poor state. She is recovering well from her ordeal and is really a very sweet affectionate girl who just wants to be loved. She likes going out for little walks, investigating the garden and her surroundings, and then she takes a nap! She is around other dogs and is fine. Lucera has Leishmaniasis. This is being treated and she would arrive with all the medication she needs. She will need two tablets a day for several months and yearly blood tests. We will support you through this once adopted. We would love to find a home for Lucera so she can experience some love and comfort in her senior years. She has survived hell for many years, a determined fighter with a will to live, she just needs a Chance now.

For further information or to adopt Lucera please get in touch with Elli Sibthorpe of Save A Spanish Spot on 07500 734039 or through their website

Home check and adoption donation apply


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